Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Condrey-Gordon pics


CEC said...

These are so great Stephanie. Really beautiful. Cassie

Anonymous said...

Gayle called me last night as she was looking at these -to tell me to hurry and look because they were so great. I've looked and agree! These are wonderful! Jennifer

Unknown said...

Oh My Goodness!! Not only is the couple georgeous and beautifully in love, but the day is beautiful, the wedding party is beautiful, the trees are beautiful, the lake is beautiful and the photographer is incredibly talented and creative. She is able to capture it all! Thanks for a glimpse. Can't wait for more! Sincerely, Susan (Claire's Proud New Mother-in-Law and Hardy's Mom)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Stephanie -- words can't describe how gorgeous the wedding was, but your work portrays it beautifully -- can't wait to see all of them!

Laura Beth Martin

Unknown said...


Luke Gordon said...

These pics are awesome. I really wich that i could have been there, but the pics have given me somewhat of a taste of the actual event. They buth looked great especially Claire Gordon.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Steph! Everything looks great! 143, Mer

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, I felt so much joy looking at these! Thanks for sharing them---and allowing them to be shared, Condrey-Gordon! Love and best wishes ---Carole T.

Emily & Chris said...

you have truly captured the mood, love, and beauty of Claire and Hardy... i continue to be amazed at your constant progression. It is an art! Your friend, Em